Agribusiness Development in the Balkans

In 2014, we established our Agrifarm in Serbia. Through our Agribusiness Development programme in the Balkans, we support the development of the local hazelnut value chain, showcasing regenerative agriculture practices, with the aim of improving quality, yield and enhancing sustainability. Through our nurseries, we also sell high-quality certified hazelnut plants to farmers to develop their hazelnut orchards.


We collaborate with local universities to deploy Integrated Pest Management strategies against the brown marmorated stink bug (Halyomorpha halys). We also organize dedicated trainings to hazelnut farmers to raise awareness, share knowledge and promote actions against this damaging pest.

We are committed to achieve full traceability of the hazelnuts we source in Serbia and our farm has been certified under the Sustainably Grown standard.

ffv serbia the programme image


We are committed to sourcing responsibly, with care for people and planet.


Our aim is to be a driving force behind a hazelnut industry that creates value for all.